The Incredible Hulk is well worth the purchase price and should offer many hours of entertainment.Store shelves are full of video games inspired by popular movies. Although many of these products find a large initial audience when a movie opens, the effects of the publicity often wear off quickly as buyers discover that their favorite new game is light on playability and is little else than a tie-in meant to make a quirck buck. You've probably played a few of these stinkers before: They're the games with 12 or 13 side-scrolling levels, combat that hardly reflects the character's special abilities, cheap boss battles, and flat artwork that's well behind the curve in terms of what the platform is capable of. While The Incredible Hulk for the Game Boy Advance isn't perfect by any stretch, it avoids many of the pitfalls found in other movie tie-ins. Furthermore, it's an enjoyable game that accurately represents the attitude and actions of everyone's favorite green monster.
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